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All photos about My Dear Agent page 4

did he tell him? he's adorable.
... that wasn't a girl.
romance is alive and well in fiction.
time to scream... internally of course.
it's 5:22am.
it this had 10 more volumes i'd binge read them rn
i'm dying. the dialogue is hitting me like a dumptruck.
i fluttered my eyes in disbelief... i can't believe he said that with his whole chest...
hot as fuck.
ok good. you can still make him feel guilty tho, i won't mind.
look sad when you see him so that he feels guilty
it will be the ultimate revenge
that's a relief. don't say shit like that ever again.
why? WHY?!
nope. fuck me. WHY?!
don't do this to me. HE JUST GOT A NEW APARTMENT, RIGHT?!!!

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Name: My Dear Agent
Status: Completed   
Author: Ebino Bisque 2019 released.
Genre(s): Yaoi
Alternative: マイディア・エージェ
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