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All photos about My Dear Aster page 2

Yep, I been said this. Like girl... bffr
Please, listen to her and live for yourself
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Honey, no he won't. He lost his love if he's with YOU. He won't be happy
I thought she gave up. She seemed cool about Lihen + Schderl at that party
Poor baby
I'm not a mom, so I don't get it. Your daughter would be mad at you for not listening to her advice
Nooo, sweet penny!
Sweetie, please live a new life. Let's just go with the flow and be happy
You have to do everything EXACT for the right sperm to meet the right egg. Girl... Give that up.
Awww, they're so cute.
And girl, your daughter told you to forget about her and not marry Harold!
They'd be so cute together
Aww, he always liked her? Wonder if the daughter found out while duke crushed on her mom too
Look at him looking all suave
Ah, so he knows that lying, deceitfu bastard is his dad
Daddy!!!! How precious!

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Name: My Dear Aster
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Han Mint 한민트 2022 released.
Genre(s): Webtoons / Josei / Fantasy / Historical
Alternative: 마이 디어 아스터
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