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All photos about Nemuro-kun wa Kao ga Ii! page 4

[I wonder if he'd let me see. Maybe I'm hoping for too much...]
adorable reaction ack- tskr
confirmation that he wants his face covered
Nemuro sleeping face scene
and he gets so adorably excited when she got it for him
he's so serious about getting the turtle aww
Nemuro tryna win in gacha aww
The best part is how you only have a moment to see his face LOL
LMAO !!! very sweet scene ahead
Nemuro proceeds to run at the same pace as walking LOL
"Nemuro's turn. Maybe we can see his face if he runs.
"Thank goodness." omg pretty af
"What about you, Takamura? Did you hurt yourself?"
"He's like a baby seal at the aquarium." awww

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Name: Nemuro-kun wa Kao ga Ii!
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Samo Suke 2019 released.
Genre(s): Seinen / Romance / Comedy / School Life / Slice Of Life
Alternative: Nemuro-Kun Has a Beautiful Face!
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