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All photos about Pokemon Adventures page 15

kitty is following his leaf oblivious, and pika is trying to makes sure kitty doesn't kill himself.
i like this picture X3 don't ask why i've been readin' pokemon.
HA! the crowd fallin alseep X3 blue is just sittin there blankly '....' ^w^
X3 porygon is cute though
"its mickey mouse" that line XD
HAHAA! look at the gyrados's face!!! when the seed hits it XDDD
what the hell XD onix crumbled apart XD why did it do that lmao.

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When you reading a manga, you can add page to your album. All the page of this manga which have been added to albums will be displayed here.
Name: Pokemon Adventures
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Hidenori Kusaka 2000 released.
Genre(s): Action / Adventure / Comedy / Fantasy / Shounen
Alternative: Pokémon Special, Pocket Monsters Special, The Pokémon Manga, PokeSpe, ポケスペ Pokemon Adventures
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