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All photos about Scandalous page 4

That's cruel
xD Awwh Honoka has been his fan for so long!
Awwh Honoka is so sweet :3
Awwh :) Honoka.
Awwh he doesn't want you to hate him, Honoka :)
Wow he did this for you, that's nice :) huh Honoka.
Wow this was really important to Honoka.
Oh no..
Yeah by your step bro, that's the guy you've had a crush on for who knows how long.
xD you are doomed Honoka.
Honoka wasn't trying to attack you she was just trying to tell you that breakfast is ready.
Wow, he jumped you Honoka.
Honoka your family with the guy you've had a total crush on from the tv. xD
OOOO it's the guy you love on tv :o
Honoka is my fav character :3

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Name: Scandalous
Status: Completed   
Author: Kanou Noriko 2002 released.
Genre(s): Drama / Romance / Shoujo / Smut
Alternative: スキャンダラス; Sukyandarasu
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