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All photos about Shinai Naru Omega e page 2

Stay by my side. I could no longer let you go.
I don’t want to give you to anyone either.
I hate the thought of you choosing someone else.
I don’t want to give you to anyone. I want you to be only mine.
I’m not planning to throw him away and I won’t let anyone intervene ever again.
I don’t want to hand over this person anymore.
He didn’t do anything to you?
What’re you planning by taking out someone else’s possession without permission.

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Name: Shinai Naru Omega e
Status: Completed   
Author: Ariki Eiko 2019 released.
Genre(s): Drama / Yaoi
Alternative: Shinai Naru Omega he; To My Beloved Omega; 親愛なるオメガへ
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