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All photos about Taekwondo Kid page 2

ihn is just screaming internally, i just know it.
does this dude never learn his lesson about talking shit and thinking opponents are weaker than him?
nooooo stop embarrassing urself just shut up!!!!why cant they just be quiet instead of trash talking
this has to be some of the most showing off from characters I've ever seen.
of course he's there u idiot. it may seem like i hate ihn but i do not hate ihn.don't get me wrong
i hate him i hate him i hate him i hate him i hate him i hate him i hate him i hate him i hate him
did this dude just try to kick him in the balls???
dude got hella muscles on his feet, gon end up killing somebody
yayyyyyyyy he apologized
even yall know he was rude. im not letting this go until i see him apologize. >:(
this may sound rude but right now all im hoping for is for ihn's arrogant self to breakdown and cry
idk ihn, dont u think its a little too easy.
???? they always say this and then they eat their words like...cant we just not embarrass ourselves.
someone tell ihn to be quiet cause why he talking trash about their equipment like. disrespectful
you better tell that man donghyeon. He's only acting like that because he is losing to "amateurs".
dawg nobody likes them get them off my screen NOW!!!!!!!!!
im so used to shinhwa being red that i thought they were losing even though they trained for this.
plzzzzz stop it with the creepy smile.

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Name: Taekwondo Kid
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Kim Woo-jun 2019 released.
Genre(s): Drama / Martial Arts / Sports
Alternative: None
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