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All photos about The Careful Empress page 4

Awe. I wonder if ver is jealous. Or jealous he his friend might be taken away.
Awe. Kayn dressed up to go see Mir.
so he did it to himself the scars. Honestly, he sort of depends but deep down he's lonely.
their faces when holding the fluffy Dino is scary cute.
Cheers to that. I hope too that she becomes the most dangerous Queen in history in a good way.
Regardless of what Azar plans. Kayn has a chance with Mir for love. Just don't jack it up.
Definetly got a chance with Mir. Baby steps with HER understanding it all.
Kayn taking him he courage to ask. Mr steal your girl. To be fair he has a better chance than Azar.
Poor Kayn
I feel bad his parents died. But let him be happy,geez. It's okay Kayn.
So f*king cute. <span class

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Name: The Careful Empress
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Jajoo , Sanmat 2019 released.
Genre(s): Fantasy / Romance / Webtoons
Alternative: 용의주도 황비
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