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All photos about The Flying Planet page 4

If you're with his "Daddy" then you'd be his "Daddy" too XD Brother-Daddy? Alabama called and want u
I swear I typed that last "Daddy" comment before even seeing this so now what...?
Your brother will NEVER let you call his man "Daddy". Try again boy XD
...i take back my "d'awwww"
Well, she did use one brother, calling him useless his whole life after trying to kill the other one
This is the picture before she gets her head smashed into the floor and dies in agony...i wish.
My apologies to the gold digging tart pictured in the lower half--she's not so bad after all :3
Time to kill a bitch...
so does everyone else but this is a T-rated BL
Yeah! He truly loves her looks and she truly loves his money! TRUE LOVE DAMMIT !
I may hate her rn but she does look friggin amazing in that
When you're so good at spending other people's money that you feel no shame offering it to others...

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Name: The Flying Planet
Status: Completed   
Author: Hotread 0 released.
Genre(s): Shounen Ai / Drama / Webtoons
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