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All photos about Thoroughbred wa nabikanai page 1

he's here to help bro
bro is quick on the draw
inner peace.
see? we just needed some honesty.
he was trying to avoid hurting you, he was doing a good job before the cow came home
ok. i had a suspicion it wasn't about him. good on you for not telling him btw, made him feel shitty
hugs heal the soul
explain later, bro injured
yeah, bro is not doing too hot
bro feels like shit, he got chomped on and he likes tf out of you
hyena. huh.
he's having a bad time. by himself on the roof lol
about what?
bro wouldn't have even known if he hadn't overheard it
... neither me or him are glad to hear this
you could be worst, trust me. you've been alright, all things considered.

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Name: Thoroughbred wa nabikanai
Status: Completed   
Author: Sakura Riko , Sakura Rico 2019 released.
Genre(s): Yaoi / Smut / Supernatural
Alternative: Thoroughbred doesn't flutter; サラブレッドはなびかない
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