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All photos about Yutori Shain ga Kachou no Karada, Nerattemasu! page 2

Show me what you were doing the other night.
I haven’t even touched you yet and you’ve gotten so excited.
Let go of my boss, would you?
Hey boss, if you come now it’ll be the third times.
You’ve never given a thigh job before, have you?
Thought so watching me has mad you turned on, right?
This is how hard I got from sucking you off.
I see. So, that’s how you like it.
Where do you like yo be licked most? The tip?
Do you like it when I touch you?
If you don’t put up any fight, I might get the wrong idea, you know?
You’re so hot, boss.

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Name: Yutori Shain ga Kachou no Karada, Nerattemasu!
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Fumito 2019 released.
Genre(s): Yaoi / Smut / Comedy
Alternative: Yutori Has His Eye on His Boss’ Body
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