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You guys, Im sooooo excited!! (and for once not 'bout yaoi) I just ordered a Furby! I used...

I Love Junjou Romantica November 26, 2015 10:06 am

You guys, Im sooooo excited!! (and for once not 'bout yaoi) I just ordered a Furby! I used to have one when I was little and loved it, I bought new one for memories Super Excited ^_^ Does anyone else remember/know what Furby is .-.?

    I Thot You Was a Toad November 26, 2015 3:48 pm

    No, but it sounds cute and it sounds like you're really happy about it.

    Momochi113 November 26, 2015 4:09 pm

    Ah, I totally know what a Furby is! I remember they were like the coolest toy back in the day.
    My siblings and I had one, but it was very short lived. I don't know, either ours was defective or we just messed it up (sharing wasn't our strongest suit) but it kept talking and making sounds, which kinda annoyed everyone so we put it in the laundry room. Even in there, it was still making noise, so the next day my parents got rid of it, haha. It kinda sucked, but we got over it
    But anyways, sorry for like the life story of my experience with Furby, and awesome sauce on getting a new one now!!