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I would like to say right now jiho and woohuyk could not stay together because they are to...

wanderintowns January 25, 2021 11:30 pm

I would like to say right now jiho and woohuyk could not stay together because they are too young. They don’t know how to solve their own problem, and could not control their emotion. You can see the producer is more mature, and handle the relationship in the way “right”. He know the right time to support jiho, and the right time to upgrade their relationship if you skim through the raw ( i dont know korean, just guess though). And it looks like the author did not update chapters since Nov 2020, so is there anyway it is dropped?

    hvn January 26, 2021 6:30 pm

    the series is completed. the raws just haven't been updated on illegal sites

    wanderintowns January 26, 2021 8:11 pm
