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Bam and Rachel piss me off. Bam is such a simp for this girl

acrylizz January 26, 2021 2:51 pm

Bam and Rachel piss me off. Bam is such a simp for this girl

    DANDY KAPMEN January 28, 2021 2:39 am

    umm..... I'm just assuming here that you're not up to date with the latest chapter AT ALL

    • c a s s i e r o l l • January 31, 2021 8:19 am
    umm..... I'm just assuming here that you're not up to date with the latest chapter AT ALL DANDY KAPMEN

    I agree. Try reading it more and you’ll see that his simping for her would be gone.

    RedSaphire February 2, 2021 5:41 am

    I only managed to read 30 chapters, no wonder I keep avoiding this manga whenever I see it.

    RedSaphire February 2, 2021 5:43 am
    umm..... I'm just assuming here that you're not up to date with the latest chapter AT ALL DANDY KAPMEN

    Latest chapters? You mean he only stopped clinging to her after 400+ chapters?

    Evaaa February 2, 2021 7:27 am
    Latest chapters? You mean he only stopped clinging to her after 400+ chapters? RedSaphire

    Uhhh she weans there for like a whole couple of arcs-

    Chile bro

    • c a s s i e r o l l • February 2, 2021 12:50 pm
    Latest chapters? You mean he only stopped clinging to her after 400+ chapters? RedSaphire

    nah he just got over her naturally, it’s actually not that many chapters when he stopped simping for her. well she is very important for him. don’t worry, be patient because rachel will be gone for many chapters anyway thats why it feels long for his clinging on her. and as she is gone for many chapters, bam would have a great character developement and the story gets better and better. well it’s up to you guys if you still want to read it or not and if you’ll like it or not. for me, I love this webtoon.

    acrylizz February 3, 2021 6:50 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! •=•

    I understand that part but the fact this man is still saving her after she betrayed him so many times is what pissing me off. And I’m talking about between 200-100 chapters around there

    RedSaphire February 3, 2021 7:40 pm
    I understand that part but the fact this man is still saving her after she betrayed him so many times is what pissing me off. And I’m talking about between 200-100 chapters around there acrylizz

    Betraying him??! Can you please explain, I need spoilers!! Then he’s more a fool than I thought.

    acrylizz February 4, 2021 1:23 am
    Betraying him??! Can you please explain, I need spoilers!! Then he’s more a fool than I thought. RedSaphire

    The first betrayal was when Rachel pushed Bam off and when Bam joined fug. And when Rachel betrays Bam friends as well. We then have her betray Bam around the 300 chapter mark kinda forgot. Ofc I’m still reading and seeing how he develops but he’s starting to leave her which I’m glad but Bam still be a pussy in fightscan’t kill nobody not even his clone

    Evaaa February 4, 2021 8:27 am

    But ya'll should understand Racheal was a really important figure to Bam ya know? If somebody betrayed me like that and they were a significant figure in my life, I would follow them in confusion? Bam grew up without really understanding emotions and stuff so he probably didn't understand why Racheal pushed him? IDK just my guess. But BAM is best boi to me.. also....

    KHUN X BAM YA'LL Don't come at me if you don't agree

    DANDY KAPMEN February 4, 2021 8:47 am
    But ya'll should understand Racheal was a really important figure to Bam ya know? If somebody betrayed me like that and they were a significant figure in my life, I would follow them in confusion? Bam grew up w... Evaaa

    Ikr! Ofcourse he'd be confused... She's basically like both a "sister" and "mom" for him, the one who taught him things, how things goes, etc etc. If it were me, I'd be too, it's just that the anime has somehow romanticized bam's views and actions with Rachel (especially that first part in episode one just before they entered the ) and now the anime first people think he simps Rachel in that way



    RedSaphire February 4, 2021 3:23 pm
    The first betrayal was when Rachel pushed Bam off and when Bam joined fug. And when Rachel betrays Bam friends as well. We then have her betray Bam around the 300 chapter mark kinda forgot. Ofc I’m still read... acrylizz

    Thank you so much.

    Millie February 12, 2021 4:55 pm
    But ya'll should understand Racheal was a really important figure to Bam ya know? If somebody betrayed me like that and they were a significant figure in my life, I would follow them in confusion? Bam grew up w... Evaaa

    Me too!!! Wish there was "ai" after the shounenಡ ʖ ಡ hate lol

    Ashdash2025 April 28, 2021 10:15 am
    Me too!!! Wish there was "ai" after the shounenಡ ʖ ಡ hate lol Millie


    Shetaku March 21, 2024 3:17 am
    But ya'll should understand Racheal was a really important figure to Bam ya know? If somebody betrayed me like that and they were a significant figure in my life, I would follow them in confusion? Bam grew up w... Evaaa

    I super duper Agree