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Chap 18 *Dropped*

잰더 January 26, 2021 4:31 pm

1st woman is trash asf. Why are you 2nd spirit form or whatever when you can't even protect yourself?! Liked Dude DON'T FORCE HIM TO ATTEND FROM THE ACADEMY!HE SAID NO OK?!
And secondly why tf would she cried because her father can't convince her?! Like They barely know each other!

2nd woman wth is wrong with her?! Liked tf who wear skirt in winter?! Elsa wanna be don't you feel cold?! 'Cold never bothered me anyway'?Second of all why did She kissed him just to repay his kindness?! Liked can she just say thanks?!

Damn even the other characters annoyed me.

His father just like:
"You trash! Don't you ever come back again!
I disown you!And don't call me your father because you're adopted"

Many chaps later after he discovered his power:
"You're strong son, comeback to us"

Are they are just after from his power?!

The one thing I liked here is that when someone got beaten by Mc, they turn into beaten yamcha pose.
