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Dad cheating with the maid.

Cee January 26, 2021 10:04 pm


This story is a story about redemption and forgiveness, people like Paul and Lilia were the central of the story and literally almost everyone in the story.

Here such example the kind of people that will occurs : War Criminal, Racist person, cheater, Wife murdering, mass murderer, acute perverts, slave buyer and seller, parent that almost sent her daughter to a gangbang, socially inept person, polygamy, polyandry, wide age-gap bride (at both gender), borderline incest, and so on....

If you're uncomfortable with this kind of topic. Then you're not entitled to continue reading. But to be sure you will miss a lot of great story forward...

From r/mushokutensei by u/muhwyndhp.

    Shuuji January 27, 2021 12:03 pm

    Fair point. But the thing that this manga lacks is depth and emphasis towards the solution to these said issues. If they would put emphasis on the solutions this manga sure would've been better but meh... Author-san must've been lazy on the early parts