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Ikabbg January 27, 2021 2:37 pm

Plz, all you guys have to do is talk to each other.

If Harsen had just confessed he was in love with her the time they met on the balcony and she asked why he picked her, or if he had told her he loved her before he left for the war or maybe when his kid was born or if he had opened his mouth and said "I love you!" at any time cuz they're already married and his father who was against it (apparently) already died. Or maybe right before she had left the room at the ending of ch24 this story would be going very differently.

He had so many opportunities, why did he waste them? She was clearly falling in love with him after receiving flowers from him for the first time, if ppl didn't gossip and he had told her there wouldn't be these problems. ヽ(`Д´)ノ

This manga is very upsetting. I can't wait for the fluff (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ but until then we're gonna remain in angst ╥﹏╥
