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Loved this

January 27, 2021 4:25 pm

I really loved this. The realistic fear Misaki had to truly love, given what happened to him with his first love (getting a girlfriend) then knowing the seme had a girlfriend at the beginning... Of course he would be cautious of falling for his words! Being gay, he absolutely feared he was being played around with.
And as for the megane guy, I can't hate him. He loved Misaki in his own way but was too afraid of what society and most likely his family, would think of him as being gay so covered himself and his orientation by having a girlfriend. It's sad he became warped in his desire to cling onto his love the only way he knew how, but good that he realized in the end that it was unhealthy and he had to let go.
Kudos to sensei for a brilliant work showing these realistic type of fears.
