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Reading now disaperaing from my account

Garf January 27, 2021 9:26 pm

Does anyone know, why some of mangas/manwhas disapear from my reading list, even thought i clicked on the button reading now? I am usually srolling trough latest updates, thanks to that I find them again and mark them. But of course it is bother cause i can't rely purely on notifications. Thanks for reply

    ticx January 27, 2021 9:34 pm

    same happened to me hust now too. almost had a heart attack lol. try to sign in again

    Garf January 27, 2021 9:43 pm

    I never logout. Tried to logout and log in again just now, but i dont think, that will help. Can't figure out, why only some of the mangas disapear, some were added new, some older, some have new chapters, some don't. I don't see the pattern.