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I've been going through a rough phase again for the last few months and have been dealing ...

SaladSlug January 28, 2021 9:32 pm

I've been going through a rough phase again for the last few months and have been dealing with depression since I was 14/15. I am currently questioning what my future will look like and if I'll ever enjoy life. I feel like this gave me a little hope but it also showed be that there really isn't any way of escaping this. I'll have to deal with it for the rest of my life but there will be good and bad times. I just need to remember that it's worth it even during the bad times. I hope I'll be able to find someone who will be my anchor and I'll be theirs in the future. I'm currently crying so I'll just go ahead and watch some YouTube videos to fill the void I guess. I really hope that anyone reading this who's going through a similar situation is doing ok after reading this and i hope you have a good night/day
