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Why’s tahee low key racist- “I’m uncomfortable with Koreans” ISHAMEJUSN WHAAT

NagitosGayForBigTiddyHajime January 29, 2021 1:15 am

Why’s tahee low key racist- “I’m uncomfortable with Koreans” ISHAMEJUSN WHAAT

    Mery January 29, 2021 1:24 am

    he explains himself. also being uncomfortable with people of ur ethnic background doesnt automatically = racism. alot of first generation children of immigrants deal with imposter syndrome or just feeling out of touch with both people from their parent's country of origin and the non immigrant dominant culture/ethnicity in their place of residence. i can def attest to that myself. (that bit was so well done it made me wonder if the author was writing about her OWN experiences)

    Triple choclate deku January 29, 2021 1:29 am

    I'm biracial ,half black half white and when i was little i was scared of white people except for grown white men. And white ppl were babysitting and the babysitters were like "why don't you play with the other kids?"
    Me:I'm scared of white girls
    "What about riley,he's a boy ?"
    Me:boys who spell like cat pee can't be trusted
    "Theirs a that boy thats black "
    Me:he's suspicious
    " your brother"
    Me:hes scary
    "Hes younger than you "

    NagitosGayForBigTiddyHajime January 29, 2021 11:27 am

    I’m sorry I was joking

    Triple choclate deku February 2, 2021 8:52 pm

    I was for real scared of white ppl , not now and but now it's kinda funny . also what mery said was true .I don't think i fit in that category tho because after i got over my 5 year old fear black ppl my age nore white ppl my age liked me. Ppl older and younger liked me but not those to races my age liked me . the Asians and Hispanics were my friends (ppl who didn't speak English ,or not well) .it was socially/racially segregated in my school tho. I was apparently abnormal to that whole system. It was more of a rejection thing not a imposter syndrome thing.also my half sister and brother who was just black .i think she went through what Mary was saying ,idk because we were both little when she was kicked out . but my brother that definitely was happening to him because he'd talk about it to my dad.