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He obviously fell in love with her body... It makes sense that she thought he sent her awa...

Hanimoon January 29, 2021 1:52 am

He obviously fell in love with her body... It makes sense that she thought he sent her away when she was pregnant because she wouldn't be the ideal sex partner for him.
Like really? Your job is more important than your pregnant wife who is about to give birth?? Aside from the fact that he believed his cousin saying that she seduced him and then he forced her to have sex. This man is a NO NO!!!

    Comadrin February 2, 2021 7:17 am

    He was a flaming a**hole. Send her away the minute she's found to be pregnant and leave her alone because "the London doctor is better?" Have your cousin (who made inappropriate very sexist remarks about her AT HER WEDDING) check up on her because "you're too busy with work?" Good thing he wasn't buds with Harvey Weinstein or she'd be responding to metoo and be part of a huge criminal lawsuit. He's not only a pile of excrement as a husband; he also sucks as a human being. People like that almost make me ashamed of being a guy.