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Where are the child protection services when you need them?!?!? Social services to verify ...

Anonymous January 29, 2021 3:06 am

Where are the child protection services when you need them?!?!? Social services to verify the adopted children's well being or if they are being neglected?!?!

He is shit as father, has a shitty eye for people and an even shittier head and logic (I like but I won't trust what you say about my kid and his dog). Good doctor horrible human being

Now... that woman... I hope she burns in the ends of the 9th circle of hell a place for animal and child abusers
Finally... if a kid did a prank of this proportion or a man called me liar after I told his employee was mistreating everyone I would be pretty pissed, bc
1. she could have died if the conditions were bad (winter, no food, no water, claustrophobic etc.) And it's bad for her professional image because she missed work in a Cystic Fibrosis specialty HOSPITAL
2. She literally have no reason to lie," I thought you trusted me as a partner in medicine and hoped you would trust me as the one that GAVE the pupper to your kid". Also as the person bellow me said, observation skill of an amoeba because you're F-ING INDOORS, HOW THE PUPPER WAS HIT BY A CAR, INDOORS?!?!?
