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For starters: both thought the worst of each other (orgy party and gold digger) I sincerel...

Anonymous January 29, 2021 4:01 am

For starters: both thought the worst of each other (orgy party and gold digger) I sincerely don't know which one is worse (lies, I know being called gold digger is degrading as a med Student) he accusing her due to a stupid family suing her was depressing specially w/o further research

Gods can I have 1 decent ML without a stupid abandonement trauma? It's always their family or an old lover and BAM instant FUCKBOY (in this case was BOTH)

Be like a normal person: say sorry for misunderstandings and build a relationship like NORMAL PEOPLE!! Go out, go to dates, like a RELASHIONSHIP not a lightining marriage!!
And also... she has the means to keep working as doctor why give up on that to only work part time? Does she really think she has the capability to manage a hospital?
