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Boring at first

narutolvr December 6, 2015 9:29 pm

Originally tried to read this and was so bored I had to stop. Tried again a few years later and was still bored but...the side characters like her friend and his brother were interesting enough to keep me going.

As I read it, I liked it more and more, despite the silly drama. I guess I just accepted that miscommunication is always going to be a part of (shoujo) life lol. But I found the main couple super frustrating for 2 reasons:
1. The girl is a weak willed child who doesn't know how to voice her opinions about ANYTHING! It's to the point where I wonder how she's managed to live up to this point!
2.The guy has yet to understand that girlfriends and girl friends don't get treated the same and I'd like to see proof that he gets it now that they're back together, otherwise they're just wasting their time.
