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I don't have one bad comment about this manga every thing is reasonable. sumire loved sir...

Anonymous December 10, 2015 9:16 pm

I don't have one bad comment about this manga every thing is reasonable.
sumire loved siri so much that's he was about to gauge his eyes and then this girl that came and make him have a feeling for her but he is sooo faithful to his first love the love of his life( I loved how faithful he was and I don't know why he have to be hated because he doesn't requited yuri love.
about aoi well he is twisted from the start his love for his sibling and man to butt and that's make it possible to think that he can have the same feeling about the sister and unlike sumire I think ,in his case, maybe yuri (his second love) is the love of his life.

about yuri any girl will feel unconfident when she isn't beautiful and in this case not just that but the man she love is so handsome and has a lover so it's more complicated ,I Think She is stupid to just stuck to this love and not let go ,and when she was about to do so with aoi is her brother and she cant to live in a sin and not even with someone she love is more stupid than impossible love in the end.
if I forget reason, now ,I really love aoi so cute and adorable
