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im not sure how i feel about this one. i want to love it so much. but i feel like i will b...

Seke December 11, 2015 4:18 am

im not sure how i feel about this one. i want to love it so much. but i feel like i will be heart broken by the end with how invested my feelings get while reading it.
i want Koutaro and Tsubaki together but i doubt that is going to happen. dont quite care for Kaoru & the high school kid. but i dont really want to be introduced to more characters. but i do feel for Mahori i do hope he finds someone to love.
i very much dislike Koutaru's sister in law. she is a very disgusting woman. and the fact that she is living her life as if nothing happened is disturbing. & the teacher...... 1. you laid your hands on a high school kid. (whether it was consensual or not) 2. yes you may have been in love with Tsubaki.. but what right does that give you to expose him like that to his parents. im surprised the parents didnt get the teacher fired. but nooo.. they chose to turn their backs on their son. >.>

    Seke December 11, 2015 4:20 am

    my emotions are all over the place with this story....

    Yuzune December 11, 2015 3:49 pm

    I understand so much your feelings! I have the same ! And that bitch! How did she dare to show her face again!!