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ash February 1, 2021 10:09 am

I adored it beyond words. Ian ends up with Shiwon which I was wishing since I first saw them BUT i have a guilty pleasure of bratty unreasonable semes so all the Heondo scenes were also really cute?? And im so taken aback by the fact that the M.C chose the person who was always there for him yet I still wanna see an alternate ending where he ends up with Heondo AHH I just don't know—im so conflicted, because I know i would have wished for the opposite if he did end with Heondo instead of Shiwon hehe.
maybe an ot3 :p ??
Anyway, it's a really good work. All characters are complex and well done. Art style is really pretty and gets way cleaner later so bear through the first few chapters.

    ash February 1, 2021 10:26 am

    I really like the extras too hehe! I hope there's a sequel about Heondo's and Ian's story too? :D or an alternate one but I really liked Ian. He was a complex character who had been alone for a lonh time, loved how the author hinted at his tough coming out to this parents and being disowned (?) and he also alluded to how he was almost assaulted when he brought someone home..He does do some silly things here but I really like that he does. No one's all good or all bad. :DD BUT HE'S ALL CUTE FOR SURE !! SO CUTE leave shiwon and heondo, id peg Ian instead my babyyy