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goodness gracious

Lala February 1, 2021 5:15 pm

i stumbled upon this and i thank the me that did that. character-wise i love the mc. THIS IS WHAT IT MEANS TO BE MYSTERIOUS. not like mls that have a dark past then suddenly blurts out everything at the 5th chapter. i salute the author for keeping us in the dark for this long. you know he has a reason why he wants to live in peace and why he understands the dark side as if he was one of them BUT not really sure what kind of person he was before he was transported. YES, MYSTERIOUS.

i like ilyas (idk how to spell her name right) in terms of not being a thot. most female knights tend to depend on the mc/ml when they have been saved by them ONCE. i like that she is stronger than him in strength and magic. i do understand that bc she is a woman she is looked down upon by male knights that made her insecure abt herself. i just hope she won't turn like those females that DEMAND A RELATIONSHIP FROM THE MC just bc they got to know them first before any female out there.
