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Yeah this shit drags onnn

Moowy February 1, 2021 6:48 pm

Bruh I was at chapter 49 and was wondering when this ended ((bc there was a super big fight going on a galwha was gonna die))) and there’s 30 MORE CHAPTERS LMAOO.

I skipped to chapter 78 and read the last 3 chapters and I gotta say. This shit is not worth the read. It drags on way too long just to reach the conclusion of forgiveness.

Maybe...if monkey guy and The dude who had evil and god power, simply HELPED MC and explained why forgiveness was important this webtoon would be a lot shorter . All they said to MC that was suffering was “ stop using ur powers” and left MC with no devices to try and work towards forgiveness

    ღGayLordღ February 12, 2021 11:52 pm

    Seriously- This manga just wasted my time- I thought it was going to be one of those mangas where the mc is op and is evil and shit but people keep trying to make him better so he becomes more evil- but no

    dancingmama July 3, 2021 2:06 am
    Seriously- This manga just wasted my time- I thought it was going to be one of those mangas where the mc is op and is evil and shit but people keep trying to make him better so he becomes more evil- but no ღGayLordღ

    Swear. That forgiveness talk is all empty air like the MC was bullied beyond imagination, but he’s suppose to forgive them??