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Shounen ai?

akuma_river December 13, 2015 12:55 am

So, are we supposed to be shipping Nine and Jaihi because even with my pink glasses off I'm getting the 'this is a viable ship' feeling.

Nine didn't need to be in that position when Jaihi woke nor did he have to say 'let's be together forever' and then that pinky. Doesn't that mean lover(s)?

So is the author saying we can/should ship them? Because I'm trying to not be a crazy fangirl and shipping all the boys but seriously this is getting hard to ignore this ship.

    Night Reaper March 30, 2016 10:51 pm

    I know what you mean.... I don't usually ship dudes but these two already talk like an old married couple and Nine is... well Nine so I know your pain.