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Explanation for those who don't know what is going on

Sakurachi December 13, 2015 8:32 am

They could have made this a lot longer. It was a bit rushed, but I could tell what was going on.


Brit was going to meet Eric to try and learn about her brother. Her plane was sabotaged and she was shot with a poisonous arrow. She wakes up after hearing what she thought was her brother and Eric talking. The thing Is, her brother is supposed to be dead. She finds out that the medallion she was given before she left her home (Aka the palace) was the proof that she was chosen to be Eric's wife. Later, she decides she wants to explore, so she heads off, saves a girl from being raped, gets captured as thanks, is told she is related to the people she was captured by, and is told that she will be queen and do great things for the kingdom.She gets saved by Eric, finds out someone of importance between her and the palace s trying to kill everyone with royal blood. The find the people standing around her crashed plane, when they get shot at. They escape,and leave through the mountains to try and reach the palace and save the people there from dying.when they reach the top of the mountain, they stop at a cabin, confess that they love each other, sleep with each other, and try to leave the next morning. Before they can leave, however, a ton of bullets go flying everywhere, and the guy who was trying to kill everyone shows up. They are about to die when her brother comes to save them. It ends saying that the brother is returning to the palace with them. And that they will love each other forever. THE END!
