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wow bad character development or idk what it'd be called but that model guy sucked, Poor C...

I Love Junjou Romantica December 15, 2015 4:20 am

wow bad character development or idk what it'd be called but that model guy sucked, Poor Chihiro! made out to be the bad guy the whole time, he was the only one in the right!! I was sooo happy when he shirt grabbed him <3 That model had it coming, though I think he crossed the line with what he said to Chihiro I think the one really in the wrong was definitely Keigo! I see nothing wrong with chasing after even a taken man if you do it upfront like model-kun did especially when the taken person in question Keigo doesnt push you away but greets your advances!! Like I really liked Keigo but I hated that part of him. Like your boyfriends up in his room upset and uneasy about the guy that likes you that your blowing your boyfriend off for like da HECK man, and on top of that he KNEW he even had guessed that model-kun said something to him when he comnfronted him and STILL DID NOTHING like wow id rethink that relationship if i was Chihiro >. > Keigo man wow.... okay overall really good story liked the first better tho
