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Some spoilers ahead (●'◡'●)ノ Seriously, why are people hating on this one? Sur...

Anonymous February 3, 2021 8:10 am

Some spoilers ahead (●'◡'●)ノ

Seriously, why are people hating on this one? Sure it's got some of the usual Harlequin drama (mainly the toxic parents on both sides - and yes, I do also mean Liana’s; who leaves an 8-year-old alone to take care of a 4-year-old, and then blames her her whole life for her sister's death?), but this is one of the MOST healthy couple relationships I've ever seen, regardless of the genre!

pg. 74: "I don't want to be one of those corrupt men who deflowers a pure girl.

I'll wait until you're ready."

Seriously, how many stories have you seen where one of the leads doesn't coerce, force, or somehow imply that it's the other partner's "duty" to have sex with them?!?!? And in a lot of stories, there's also often the factor that the receiving partner is somehow so magically in love/lust with the first character that they're completely fine with having sex immediately, even if they're a virgin!

From what I remember there are only 2 toxic parts in the whole relationship: First was Sandro stealing a kiss from Liana - which is never okay, but is almost understandable when she keeps insisting on calling him "Your highness," even when they're talking about getting married - and the severity of which seriously pales by the fact that he doesn't rape her at any point of their relationship, whether it's her first time or later on. (Seriously, there are so many "wholesome" couples that include rape; most of which 99% of the real life population doesn't seem to realize is rape…) The second is when he misinterpreted her mute shock for selfishness at wanting to remain queen, and didn't stick around to try to communicate with her - and in that case, he actually apologized to her THE SAME DAY! That NEVER happens! Usually the ML takes years to figure out what he did wrong (if ever - and usually he blames his partner that entire time as well), and even then they don't always take responsibility for it and apologize!!!!!

So yeah, sorry if some of y'all think this is "boring" - you are more than welcome to look up the many toxic dramas on this site if that's what you prefer. Me, I'd love it if there was a continuation to this story - maybe featuring his little brother and his wife or something.

P.S. Yes, I did do my best to use gender neutral terms, because not only am I referring to Harlequins and other mxf mangas, but mxm and fxf stories as well. (=・ω・=)

    Jaxya March 9, 2021 4:50 pm

    You, my dear, is just the sweetest

    Jaxya March 9, 2021 4:51 pm

    You, my dear, is just the sweetest (=・ω・=)