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He really did fall in love with Yui without his dreams

denkies February 3, 2021 5:45 pm

I saw the tragedy tag and i was like "i cant do this" but some of the comments said it had a happy ending. It does, but I'm so heartbroken that the original Amemori-san is gone forever. His new self will never truly be the same charming, flirtatious bastard. I'm glad he's living life for himself now, though. Now he's with Yui by his choice alone, and he really did still fall in love with Yui without the prophetic dreams. But oh fuck did i cry so much. I'm STILL crying! Getting my stupid blanket wet. I miss the old Amemori-san so much

    Bobbington February 8, 2021 5:11 am

    I like to believe that the old Amemori-san is somewhere in there. Because he didn't have those dreams, he didn't have something to look forward to in the future. And so he was focused on his parents' tragedy instead, which is what changed him. With enough time, he will relax and his heart will "thaw" like his ex said. Then he will return to the Amemori we know and love. At least, that's what I choose to believe. I believe we all have a "true" self which is who we are deep down. Negative experiences and messages from the world teach us not to be our true selves until we can peel back the layers of hurt and trauma and be free again.

    denkies February 12, 2021 6:56 am
    I like to believe that the old Amemori-san is somewhere in there. Because he didn't have those dreams, he didn't have something to look forward to in the future. And so he was focused on his parents' tragedy in... Bobbington

    Thats so true thank u :( you're right, i can see him slowly becoming his old self as he reajusts to having a healthy happy relationship