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i’m MAD

wishin4jimin February 3, 2021 9:49 pm

that dumbass toomics logo would be on the most important scenes and faces UGH

also help?? i don’t understand his past? if his friend told the school that the teacher assaulted them then why did hideo go to juvie? oml-OML DONT TELL ME HIDEO TOLD HIM NOT TO TELL THE SCHOOL THAT THE TEACHER WAS A PEDO?! WTF WHY

also the story was cute so we’re the characters, i could tell this was gonna be a cute story cuz of the cute ass cover

    candycanejane February 19, 2021 5:12 am

    So basically the teacher liked hideo and made a move on him. He told him he knew he had a crush on his friend and that it was up to him whether of not he the teacher would make a move on his friend. He told his friend to stay away from the teacher but turns out the friend had a crush on the teach and asked him to to do him. Hideo walks in on them and punches the teacher his friend tries to explain that he was the one that ask for and the teacher says i told you to make a choice at this point his friend realizes that he was just being played and slashes the teacher with the blade. The teacher hits his head and falls uncounsious the friend starts panicing and hideo takes the blade and tells his friend to call a teacher and to tell them that he caught the teacher sexually harassing his friend and in a fit of rage cut him.
    Basically he took the blame to protect his friend.

    wishin4jimin February 19, 2021 10:39 am
    So basically the teacher liked hideo and made a move on him. He told him he knew he had a crush on his friend and that it was up to him whether of not he the teacher would make a move on his friend. He told his... candycanejane

    i understand but like... why the fuck did he go to jail?!! for self defense?!! and the teacher didn’t even get arrested or fired?? and that’s on some BULLshit