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I'm dying, help me February 3, 2021 11:04 pm

I shouldn't have done that, but it was too addicting.

Rant below:
So the only thing that I disliked, was at the beginning, when they kept describing what a real woman was. I have always and still is struggling with my idea of what a woman is, or 'should be', this was why i was always in conflict with my gender identity, i always wanted to be a man. I disliked the notion of a 'real' woman should wear skirts, be thin and fluffy and whatnot(they even mentioned thin, i was like wha?). I mean in some degree, i guess these words would be commonly used to describe a woman. This hit me hard, i have none of these qualities, I actually do not care for my self alot. (Dont care and dont care for differ btw) I've always wanted to be just like tomo, fearless and strong. Oddly enough, she would be someone i would look up to. which is different from what a 'real woman' is as they describe it. However, i like the way it ended, she kept her personality and her lifestyle, unwavered by others, very different to me. This manga gave me more than just entertainment, i feel like i have discovered something about myself...
