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Chapter 1: So, who killed the guy? Was it the ex bf? The rent boy? Or the last visitor? C...

Yuanyuanyuan February 4, 2021 7:44 am

Chapter 1: So, who killed the guy? Was it the ex bf? The rent boy? Or the last visitor?
Chapter 2: These guys are the ones trying to borrow money from the dead man in chapter 1. Koharu and the black hair dude. So, they're lovers? What about the student? Was she the one who killed the guy in Chap 1? I have the theory she did it. She knew her sensei was gay and that Koharu was his lover. But then, Koharu was fucking the dead guy for money. So my hunch is that she did it for the sensei she likes. She even mentioned to him that she killed someone.
Chapters 3 and 4. Hmmm could have been better if there was no super powers involved.
Chap 5. Didn't read it. It's shoujo according to comments e hahaha
