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HELP !!!!

almirax December 18, 2015 4:03 pm

there's this YAOI manga that I'm looking for , the story of the first chapter was the UKE that went to his first school class ceremony who fainted and didnt make it and then the SEME found him sleeping at infirmary and got interested in him and then the SEME dragged the UKE at the school rooftop and raped him the uke didn't get to fight back because he thought the seme was a senior because of his height and then after the sex the uke found out the seme was actually a first year also ...

T-thats all that i remember !!! Please onegai help!!! Thanks in advance for those who can help!!! Rip English!! ╥﹏╥ ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ
