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Trying to find a Manga!!

Kyuuute_animebois February 4, 2021 9:55 pm

Heyy guys, I remember that I read this manga before I got an account so could you guys tell me if you know this manga? I forgot if it was omega verse or not but this guy is kinda taken to another country but then the king of the country falls in love with him but the guy decides that he should go back to his city. So he runs away secretly (i think) but the king ends up hunting him down and finding him and happily ever after. (it might be omega verse? also, it's not titan's bride)

    Merit February 4, 2021 9:59 pm

    I think that the one you're looking for is Ou-sama to Puppy Love

    Kyuuute_animebois February 4, 2021 10:05 pm
    I think that the one you're looking for is Ou-sama to Puppy Love Merit