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It just hit me. He Tian is begging his brother who he has issues with for help. And if he...

Srsly February 5, 2021 4:10 pm

It just hit me.

He Tian is begging his brother who he has issues with for help. And if he doesn’t get that help he’ll likely have to obey his family.

Why can’t he say no and walk away?

Because he is underage. As we’ve been saying. 15-16 at best. Maybe 17. But they’re not 18 or older.

If he was a legal adult it wouldn’t fit his character to act this vulnerable. He doesn’t listen to anyone and does whatever he wants. Hell he likes Mo and he barely listens to him.

    ddd February 8, 2021 10:12 am

    they are literly childrenn,,,
    like he is either 14 -15 rn
    they r third year of middle shcool
    that is like grade 9
    juior highschool

    at this pointthis is a coming of age story

    he lives alone,, he has nightmares and trouble sleeping, he hardly has any real friends (i mean the only person he seemed familiar with was jian yi and i would not call it a close relashionship before he met mo), he doesnt get proper meals(before mo), he is very very lonely, he has issues wiht his family, he feels opressed by his background, the only adult figure that i can see actively involved in his life is probably his brother, he wants to be loved, also tehre seems to be a trauma associated with the grave (form when he visited his brothers estate),

    he probably has a lot of mental struggles too u know

    and he finally found someone that makes him feel secure, which helps him cope,,, and that is no,,, but he has to be separated,,, his safe place is literally being taken away form him

    Its not thats he's weak or anything, itd just that he's never been in a spot to be strong to begin with so he's vulnerable, he doesn't have the power over his own life,, so he asks his brother,, who might be the only guardian figure in his life for help in his desperate state

    Its soo sad poor thing

    Someone give the boy a hung,, preferably mo cz id like to see some development here