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I love how strong and intelligent she is but I wish she was more ruthless hehehe. It’ll ...

ME NOLIFE February 5, 2021 5:26 pm

I love how strong and intelligent she is but I wish she was more ruthless hehehe. It’ll be unsuitable for her character but it just makes me mad that she’s so nice to them despite all that they did. Like giving the duke a chance to learn and redeem himself and Stella to continue to live them, with the possibility of him earning back the dukedom is too nice for my taste. They don’t deserve that. Instead of making it prosperous and giving it back to him I rather her kick him out and own the dukedom herself (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    archi February 6, 2021 7:10 am

    Depending on context, that's not something she can really do.

    Within the manga, her goal is to create a happy house- her role as Duchess is to try to make people better and the shithead Duke can't separate his head from his ass enough to make even an effort.