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This story is good, I read all of the raws and I liked all the characters. The pacing of t...

Anonymous February 5, 2021 8:21 pm

This story is good, I read all of the raws and I liked all the characters. The pacing of the story is a little slow with lots of flashbacks and side characters interaction mixed in. I like how every character has a realistic personality with weakness and strength mixed in. Also at first I did think that dana is annoying but now I think she's okay, every friends are how she's like, yeah she's selfish but at least she's million times better than some fake-ass insecure person who bullies other to satisfy themself. I wish it was bl but I guess I'm okay with this because the story compensates my liking towards bl (though I am still shipping hongshi x hyesung). Last but not least the art is extremely beautiful, looking at it made me want to practice in my drawings lol.
