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its kind of confusing. so if the guy she caught 'cums', she kills him/it/pig? somehow look...

annoymous December 21, 2015 12:35 pm

its kind of confusing. so if the guy she caught 'cums', she kills him/it/pig? somehow looks like she capture him just to be a sex toy just to use until he isn't much of a use, she kills him. i pretty much like it when she does the killing part.

    Darwinist December 22, 2015 12:21 am

    I think she was going to let him go in the beginning, but when he persisted they date, she said ok, and took him home to kill him. I think that by insisting that they should date, meant that he was fine with betraying his wife and kids, so this is the "Sow's" way of punishing him.