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Spoilers from the raw

Alenira February 6, 2021 5:30 am

for those who want to know, spoilers from the raw below. I wont give all info, just quick info on what is going on and happends in the future.

Frost in the "hospital" teaches his doctor to look for signs of mental ilness in a new way while also admitting he himself needs help. He helps most of his roomates get over their own mental ilness.
Spoilers is that the "hospital" stay and all ppl with in it .. its all in his mind! and so is him feeling emotions! He was in a coma after having confronted the guy responcible for his "father/ professors" death. It seems during the confrontation Frost had a heartattcke and ended up in a coma, while there his mind made the cenario of the hiospital to analyse and understand and put all of the pieces together.

While Frost was in a coma it seems the murderer graduated and gained a high ranking position to the point he has bodyguards and also expanded his network of influencing ppl to do crappy shit to more ppl inclusing kids in juvie, and the elderly. The guy seems to try and prove that eveyone is beneath him and basicaly animals.

Frost seems to suffer from a heart condition after the coma and has to regularly take medecin to the point his dog will howl shen symptoms are starting to give a warning, at the same time he is using the knowleg and understanding he gained of emotions through his coma to help ppl influenced by the murderer to understand their wrong doings and that their mental ilness was being manipulated and used by said murderer.

    Delli_G June 13, 2021 10:08 pm

    Omg thanks. I saw somebody say on WEBTOON how the nurse looked familiar for a reason but they wouldn’t spoil anything.