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quinnggu February 6, 2021 10:44 pm

I understand what the author is trying to show, like the you never know you loved it till you lost it and how true love wins in the end and people can change for who they love but hell no this seme was a fucking piece of shit. He should’ve suffered way more, fuck him. He was still sleeping around and everything after they broke up, and then had to pull out his sob feelings right in front of the uke. He didn’t deserve to be forgiven, the best thing would’ve been for the uke to leave his ass forever and let him suffer the consequences of his actions. The uke’s a dumbass too, I felt bad for him but I guess he was just too unhealthily in love with him. Gou was a great dude, he deserves someone who loves him for the great person he is.
In the end I guess the biggest dumbass here is me for reading this despite reading the summary and hoping the uke would really leave that shit, I’m a fool
