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What I’m currently thinking...

qereee February 6, 2021 11:22 pm

First of all, why are some people denying that Reiji did not rape Ao? He literally laid his hand on him without his consent. We’ve seen this shiet millions of times before and some people are still thinking that because this is some omegaverse plot, rape shouldn’t be condemned. Some anon person on here stated that rape is a perception. No, it is a disgusting and manipulative act caused by a sexual predator. It doesn’t matter if Reiji loves Ao, it doesn’t matter if he’s looking for a relationship with him, it doesn’t matter if he’s now taking responsibility, it doesn’t matter if he’s a good person, he still raped Ao. Some people don’t seem to get that. Everyone already knows the basic plot of an omegaverse, but the way it’s portrayed here has made some people deny that Ao was raped. It’s as if rape was meant to show someone that you loved them, but it’s definitely not.

Secondly, fictional works are influential to people online. Just like books, cartoons, animations, legends, fairy tales, etc, they’re all indirectly related to the real world. Fiction is not based directly on real historical events or facts, but carries societal fears and real-life reflections on real people. It doesn’t mean that by depicting a murder scene in fictional works, you’ll get arrested or that by making your main character a bad person, you’re doomed to be one too. It just means that the fictional creations we make can relate to the real world in some kind of way.

Overall, I’m super glad Ao pushed Reiji out. It gives them both room to think for themselves whether they want to continue the relationship they have and fix it. You can tell that Ao is conflicted over his feelings because he hasn’t considered about living as a full omega. As much as I dislike Reiji for not apologizing for his actions and confessing his love first, I still want to see how this manga will end and how both of them will approach this conflict.

    lui February 6, 2021 11:35 pm

    wtf i meant to press out like ugh

    qereee February 6, 2021 11:43 pm
    wtf i meant to press out like ugh lui

    It’s all good!

    Audmod February 6, 2021 11:49 pm

    right? You can’t just deny something happened just because you chose to overlook it. It’s fine if you still chose to ship the couple/ enjoy the ending, but don’t try and change what happened OR get mad when people call the characters on their bullshit

    HoneyBunch February 7, 2021 4:55 am

    You guys need to stop abusing the word "rape". This case was at most dub con. Kids who couldn't differentiate between rape, dub con and consent should not read BL. I want to read deep thoughts about the plot, not about the "rape" which is not the main focus of the story. #-.-)

    qereee February 7, 2021 5:06 am
    You guys need to stop abusing the word "rape". This case was at most dub con. Kids who couldn't differentiate between rape, dub con and consent should not read BL. I want to read deep thoughts about the plot, n... HoneyBunch

    It didn’t seem dubcon to me. Ao wasn’t affected by Reiji’s pheromones when meeting him and Reiji knew what he was about to do when he ushered Ao into staying at his house. He even admitted that it was not accidental in ch 4. This was def not a situation of dubious consent.

    HoneyBunch February 7, 2021 5:09 am
    It didn’t seem dubcon to me. Ao wasn’t affected by Reiji’s pheromones when meeting him and Reiji knew what he was about to do when he ushered Ao into staying at his house. He even admitted that it was not... qereee

    He meant the meeting wasn't accidental not the sleeping together part.

    qereee February 7, 2021 5:18 am
    He meant the meeting wasn't accidental not the sleeping together part. HoneyBunch

    Uhm did you even read? Ao apologized for taking his anger out on Reiji and went on to how Reiji took care of him continuing, “Our first time was by accident though...” to which Reiji replied, “It wasn’t by accident.”

    qereee February 7, 2021 5:23 am
    You guys need to stop abusing the word "rape". This case was at most dub con. Kids who couldn't differentiate between rape, dub con and consent should not read BL. I want to read deep thoughts about the plot, n... HoneyBunch

    Maybe you should relearn about how to differentiate rape, dubcon, and consensual sex. Just a helpful suggestion for you.

    qereee February 7, 2021 5:25 am
    It didn’t seem dubcon to me. Ao wasn’t affected by Reiji’s pheromones when meeting him and Reiji knew what he was about to do when he ushered Ao into staying at his house. He even admitted that it was not... qereee

    When he ushered Ao into letting him stay at his house** sorry for the grammar mistakes I’m rushing to type stuff

    HoneyBunch February 7, 2021 6:15 am
    Maybe you should relearn about how to differentiate rape, dubcon, and consensual sex. Just a helpful suggestion for you. qereee

    Ok maybe im wrong about the accidental sleeping together but it was still dub con since ao in the end went with the flow and asked reiji to continue. Maybe you should relearn how to differentiate between non con, dub con and consensual sex. ( ̄へ ̄)

    qereee February 7, 2021 6:45 am
    Ok maybe im wrong about the accidental sleeping together but it was still dub con since ao in the end went with the flow and asked reiji to continue. Maybe you should relearn how to differentiate between non co... HoneyBunch

    Lmaooooo that would’ve been the case if Reiji didn’t admit to it not being accidental. It would’ve been the case if he didn’t know that Ao was a recessive omega. It would’ve been the case if he didn’t plan to approach him in a deceitful manner. Props to him for being honest but it’s shocking how people like you are dismissing Reiji’s bs. I’m not trying to make you change your mind, but you have to admit that what Reiji did, does not change the fact that Ao was taken advantage of.

    HoneyBunch February 7, 2021 8:13 pm
    Lmaooooo that would’ve been the case if Reiji didn’t admit to it not being accidental. It would’ve been the case if he didn’t know that Ao was a recessive omega. It would’ve been the case if he didn�... qereee

    I pointed out that what happened in chapter 1 was not rape but instead dub con, i didn't dismiss the fact that ao was taken advantage of.

    qereee February 7, 2021 11:25 pm
    I pointed out that what happened in chapter 1 was not rape but instead dub con, i didn't dismiss the fact that ao was taken advantage of. HoneyBunch

    That’s weird then because if you do realize that one party was taken advantage of by the other party, then it is rape lmao. Maybe people like you should stop misusing the slang, “dubcon.”

    HoneyBunch February 8, 2021 2:30 am
    That’s weird then because if you do realize that one party was taken advantage of by the other party, then it is rape lmao. Maybe people like you should stop misusing the slang, “dubcon.” qereee

    It's not a slang, it's a real term. It stands for dubious consent

    HoneyBunch February 8, 2021 2:32 am
    That’s weird then because if you do realize that one party was taken advantage of by the other party, then it is rape lmao. Maybe people like you should stop misusing the slang, “dubcon.” qereee

    But there was consent in the end, so it was not rape

    qereee February 8, 2021 3:13 am
    It's not a slang, it's a real term. It stands for dubious consent HoneyBunch

    I thought slang fitted it more because the word originated from fanfic works. Whatever you think it was, there was no consent in the end. Ao had already lost his senses due to the pheromones while Reiji planned to laid his hands on him. He was TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF. You even said so, so idky you still think it’s dubcon lmao