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People are too closed minded... one he didn't RAISE her, he guarded her, two he was but a ...

BL_F@NGIRL February 7, 2021 9:08 am

People are too closed minded... one he didn't RAISE her, he guarded her, two he was but a child himself, like he was only 18 for crying out loud, and he'd been a solider since he was 13, obviously its not something black and white... Its not like he was looking at her romantically from a young age. Her cared for her as a master servant relationship, and it wasn't until she was 16 / 17 that his feelings started to change, like its not complicated. Stop tryna make it seem dirty, its the same as friends becoming lovers, sometimes feelings change over time. So what, he met her as a child, its not like that's when he fell in love, and yes he watched he grow up as her SERVANT, but he did not raise her, and when he realized his feelings he removed himself from that role. Stop making it more than what it is... Lastly I will admit she is getting annoying, and this revenge plot is stupid, but I think she forgot that Emel isn't some idiot, or a push over, so I'm thinking she's gonna have a rude awakening.
