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I feel so bad for the people that don't understand what's going on :( Given that this man...

tobiobabe February 7, 2021 1:05 pm

I feel so bad for the people that don't understand what's going on :( Given that this manhwa's plotline requires brain processing and if one was expecting smut (such as myself for the first time), you wouldn't put too much effort understanding the dialogues in the first place.

But this, this is just so freaking good! This cant even qualify as a simple bl anymore, this shit is a freaking masterpiece Everything ties up together PERFECTLY, creating this somber theme of hopelessness because of this fucking bitchass Hwan that ruined everything.


I just hope people stop bitching about the lack of smut or the hate sex between Geumsun and 704. That is the intention of the author and I do believe she did a damn good job at portraying their relationship.

ALSO CAN WE TALK ABOUT SAN AND HIS CONSENT?!??!?!?!! HES SUCH A FUCKING GENTLEMAN AND SWEETHEART PLS This is honestly so good :"( it's rare to encounter manhwas like this. I's definitely put this in the same tier as King's Maker.
