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Quite frankly, I hate cliche romantic scenes with a passion. Because the female protagon...

Hayate-Chama December 26, 2015 11:17 am

Quite frankly, I hate cliche romantic scenes with a passion.

Because the female protagonist would be like, "I am actually in love with you, male-kun." and the male protagonist would be all like, "I love you too, female-kun. But, alas, we cannot be together because blah, blah, bloody-blah-blah.."

It annoyed the shit out of me. So, to come across this manga is like a peaceful reprieve for me.

I had fun indulging the plot. I enjoyed how the characters interact. I like how realistic the scenes are. I am also quite fond of the female hairstyle too, when before, I rather dislike the thought of anything with braids.

Overall, I am giving this manga a rating of 3.5 stars for just being a wonderful read. Anyone that read this short review: READ THIS ONE-SHOT THRICE JUST BECAUSE I SAID SO!!!

Anyhow, thank you for reading.
